Saturday, February 7, 2015

Making Earrings From An Old Plate

Today we are going to teach you how to make this set of super cute earrings, using an old dinner plate of all things. Yes…you read that correctly. We are going to be making earrings from a plate.
We have seen some other tutorials floating around about making jewelry using old, broken dishes. And the methods they used are perfectly fine. We however didn’t want to use a soldering iron or anything like that. So we are going to be sharing our method right here.
This is not all that difficult if you have everything, but it will take a bit of time to do. So be sure to have some patience. So if you are ready to get started on these, let’s take a slightly different look at our earrings, and go over everything that we will need.

And here is everything that you will need to make your earrings:
An old plate – preferably one that has some designs that you like
A Dremel or other cutting tool
A diamond plated cutting wheel, or other cutting tool that can cut through your plate
A grinding attachment for your Dremel or cutting tool
Polymer clay
2 eye pins
Safety equipment (googles, breathing mask, gloves)

The rest of the instructions are on our site here: BroadwayDesignz

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Moving an established Climbing Rose Bush

We wanted to expand our garden area and had this monster climbing rose bush in the that spot so we cut it way back and relocated it to a better area in the yard, it took a while for it to be happy again.. This is how great it did two years later! This one is called Blaze, here's a little info about that variety:

Blaze climbing rose, known botanically as Rosa x 'Blaze,' is a popular climbing rose cultivar that was first introduced in 1932. An ever-blooming rose variety, Blaze climbing roses are prized for their vibrant red, semi-double blooms that grace the plant from spring until the first fall frost. Blaze climbing roses can be successfully cultivated in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant hardiness zones 4 through 10 with simple, basic care.

Blaze climbing rose is generally disease-resistant but is susceptible to two common fungal diseases of roses: blackspot and powdery mildew. One of the most significant changes you can make is to water the rose at soil level and not overhead. Keeping moisture off the foliage cuts down on many fungal diseases. Scientists with Mississippi State University recommend a powdery mildew remedy that you can make in your own kitchen. Combine 1 tbsp. of baking soda and 1 tbsp. of sunflower oil with 1 gallon of water. Spray the Blaze rose with the solution every five to seven days. For Black spot Consult with your local cooperative extension office to find out which fungicide works best in your area.

The best time to move a rose to make sure it will survive is in the late fall or early spring. Have the new holes ready, water the rose well the day before, then cut the bush down by a half. Dig out as much as you can of the roots near the top, don't be concerned if you can't get the long tap roots then trim any ragged roots ends off. Place a thick six inch mulch all around the base as roses love cool roots and also the new feeder roots won't dry out. Because transplanting will have damaged the feeder roots you will now have to water, water, water as they won't be strong enough to supply any nutrients for at least a month. Even if the canes sag and the new leaves droop, just keep watering as the rose bush may not perk up for a couple of months. Don't give it any fertilizer until half way through the summer as you want new roots to grow not top growth that the frail roots can't support yet. It may also not make any new growth until next spring. If you have to move it when it is growing, then cut ALL the leaves off the bush to put it into a period of dormancy. Roses are capable of putting out three sets of leaves before it effects their vigour. Then follow the above instructions.

Research credit for care:  ehow
Research credit for moving: Gardenweb
Photo is my back yard